DPO Pay by Network

“The DPO system has accelerated our business registration and payments for business licenses and permits by reducing travel time and expenses.” – Martha Macere, The Spirit of Tanzania Safari Miles Limited

1. Which products or services does your business offer? 

Related: Travel & Tourism

2. What challenges have you experienced because of the pandemic? 
  • Funds to grow the business (45%) 
  • Finding new customers (69%) 
  • Keeping existing customers (54%) 
  • Funds to grow the business (47%) 
  • Laws, policies, and regulations (43%) 
  • Self-doubt and fear (43%) 

3. Did Covid result in you changing/improving your business offering in any way? E.g. moving to new online marketplaces, targeting new audiences? 

The pandemic has accentuated the trend towards greater adoption of social media and growth in sales through e-commerce websites We self-opted for DPO. Shifts in consumption habits have also been observed, driven by the need for sourcing essential items. The pandemic has reinforced pre-existing bottlenecks in the e-commerce ecosystem that countries need to address to benefit from e-commerce development by enhancing their e-trade readiness. 

4. How important are payment platforms to your business? How have digital payments made your business easier to run? 

Digital payment systems can conveniently and affordably connect entrepreneurs with banks, employees, suppliers, and new markets for their goods and services. These systems can accelerate business registration and payments for business licences and permits by reducing travel time and expenses. 

Digital financial services can also improve access to savings accounts and loans. Electronic wage payments to workers can increase security and reduce the time and cost of paying employees. Yet, there are challenges as many entrepreneurs and employees lack bank accounts, digital devices, and reliable technology infrastructure. 

Digital payments have increased an entrepreneur’s profitability by making financial transactions with customers, suppliers, and the government more convenient, safer, and cheaper. 

Paying wages digitally benefits employees and is safer and more cost-effective for employers. 

Digital payments automatically provide users with a credit history and can thus improve an entrepreneur’s access to credit. 

Digital payments give women entrepreneurs greater control over their income, potentially benefiting their entire household, especially children. 

Related: The Payments Landscape in Tanzania

5. Regarding payments, what do you think is the significant challenge facing your business today? 
  • Money Management Problems. 
  • Managing Workflows. 
  • Risk Management. 
  • Supply Chain Issues. 

The Spirit of Tanzania Safari Miles Limited Customer Testimonial has reassured us of the importance of digital payment platforms to Merchants, whether your business is big or small. eCommerce digitalised the world into a single platform, and, remarkably, e-commerce evolution only continues to accelerate. At DPO, We’ve got you covered with various integration methods.