DPO Pay by Network

American Express Security and Fraud Prevention Strategies

Preventing fraud is an important step towards safeguarding your business and protecting customer information. Many major card providers utilize a range of security features and fraud prevention strategies to ensure merchants and customers are protected. American Express is one such provider. There are a variety of American Express security and fraud prevention strategies. When accepting […]

Visa Security Features and Fraud Prevention Strategies

Like every major credit card company, Visa takes fraud prevention very seriously. Using a selection of sophisticated card security features and an array of fraud prevention strategies, they enable merchants to accept card payments with a minimized risk of fraud. Physical features of Visa credit and debit cards Visa security features has a first line […]

MasterCard Security Features and Fraud Prevention Strategies


When customers pay by credit or debit card, there’s always a risk of fraud. However, card providers such as MasterCard implement a wide range of features to ensure the highest level of  security possible– preventing fraudulent transactions and ensuring that you, the merchant, can recognize a fraudulent card. If you’re accepting a MasterCard card payment, […]

25 Things You Probably Don’t Know About Digital Payments But Should

Thanks to technological advances and the ability to accept digital payments, merchants can offer multiple payment options to customers all over the world. However, the global payment processing landscape has become more complicated, involving multiple steps and numerous service providers. No doubt, as a merchant, you’ve come across unfamiliar terminology and there may be some […]

Top 5 Challenges in Online Payments and How to Overcome Them

Online merchants and consumers alike expect online buying and selling to be easy, efficient, and safe. eCommerce transactions trigger complex automated processes that involve downstream players: banks and payment processors to name just two. In addition, technological advances in smartphones and e-wallets, shifting purchase patterns, and demand for cross-border, multi-currency electronic payments have fueled PSP […]

How Merchants Can Identify Fake Credit Cards

When credit card data is stolen, it is often used to create fake credit cards. This data is originally stolen from POSs and ATMs, and then sold online to criminals. These criminals can choose to purchase a local credit card number, paying for it by prepaid gift card, bitcoin, or wire transfer. Then, they can […]

4 Security Best Practices for eCommerce Sites

Retail ecommerce sales were valued at over $5 trillion in 2016, and projected to reach over $8 trillion in 2020, according to a 2016 Juniper Research study.  With the rise in ecommerce, however, comes an increase in fraud attempts.  Juniper found that in 2015, 1 out of every 67 transactions was a fraudulent attempt — […]

How Your eCommerce Business Can Start Accepting Online Payments Easily

As we have mentioned in recent blog posts, online payments are a necessity for any business looking to grow. Online payments increase your customer base, as they allow you to accept a variety of payment methods and multiple currencies, enabling you can reach customers from across the globe, as well as from within your borders. […]

Why You Should Move from Cash-On-Delivery to Online Payments

In the not-so-distant past, cash-on-delivery was the only viable payment option for e-commerce companies in Africa. But this payment method is far from ideal, and poses quite a few problems, hindering the growth and profitability of online businesses. The solution is to use online payment methods, so your customers can pay online for products in order […]