DPO Pay by Network

Tap-and-Go credit cards are the latest, easiest, secure way for customers to complete purchases. Due to the nature of the technology, payments are completed with minimum hassle for customers and merchants alike.

Contactless (or Tap-and-Go) credit cards work using NFC – Near Field Communication – to wirelessly transmit card data to the contactless card reader. With cards and card readers equipped with this technology, the days of swiping a card and keying in pins are a thing of the past. Completing a purchase is as easy as tapping or waving the card in front of the reader, waiting 15-30 seconds for the transmission confirmation, and carrying on.

NFC contactless payments bring advantages for both merchants and consumers of goods or services, including:

Time Saving

Because contactless payments are made without PIN or signature, the time it takes to complete a purchase is drastically shortened. A customer can make a purchase more swiftly, which moves the queue more quickly and keeps customers happy because they spend less time waiting in line. No more errors for incorrect PINs, searching for a pen to write a signature (then compare to the back of the card), or multiple swipes through the traditional card machine.


Tap and go payments are more secure because the transmitted data is single-use. It also makes skimming virtually impossible. Cards can also be stored on mobile devices (more below) which means they no longer have to be carried in the wallet.

Innovation and Digital Opportunities

Tap and go payments can also be made from mobile apps and eWallets, such as Apple Pay Google Wallet and DumaPay. By carrying cards and payment options on a mobile phone, it alleviates clutter in the wallet, purse, or pocket. It also makes payments more convenient, with all of the options at the click of an app and a tap of an NFC-enabled phone on the terminal – no more digging through cards. These eWallet options also give added features, such as payment history and remote deactivation, as well as innovation opportunities with the ease of an app update.

Tap and Go payments are a safe, easy, convenient way to process payments at the terminal, saving time and effort for customers and merchants. Modernising your terminal means giving customers the option of processing their payments not only through physical credit and debit cards with a contactless chip, but with modern options such as cards stored in eWallets and key fobs.