DPO Pay by Network

Get an Instant Business Loan with Easy Credit

Receive a low interest loan straight to your Mpesa or Bank account within 24 hours
Merchant using Easy Advance

How You Can Use Easy Credit for Your Business

Purchasing Equipment Icon - Easy Advance

Purchasing Equipment

Invest in a new computer, phone or equipment needed to produce your products.

Expanding Your Business Icon - Easy Advance

Expanding Your Business

Add more stock keeping units to your product line or even open a new store.

Working Capital Icon - Easy Advance


Use the funding to improve cash flow and pay suppliers up front.

Cash-flow Assistance Icon - Easy Advance

Cash-flow Assistance

Benefit from extra funding to get you through a difficult time or to pay your staff.

How do I Access These Funds?

Your business must have been transacting with Network for at least six months to qualify.

How do I Access These Funds?

Your business must have been transacting with Network for at least six months to qualify.
Easy Advance Background Vector with Merchant

Compare Our Offerings Below

Your loan limit is based on your credit scoring and affordability review.

In Partnership with Pezesha

Available in Kenya

In Partnership with Pezesha

Available in Kenya

Let’s do the Math

See how much it costs to get an Easy Credit business loan. Enter an amount into the calculator to see the charges.

Loan Access Fee (3%): KES 0
Amount Disbursed: KES 0
Amount to Repay: KES 0

Frequently Asked Questions

About Easy Credit by Network FAQs

Easy Credit is a Value-Added Product accessible to Network merchants giving you access to funding or credit facility from 10,000KES to 1,000,000KES that you can use to grow your business.

Whether that’s topping up your working capital, funding marketing campaigns, buying inventory, meeting payroll and more.

We have partnered with Pezesha, an SME financing solution that enables businesses in Kenya to access affordable credit to power their operations.

Should your business be pre-selected and pre-approved for funding by Network, you will receive an email notification to your registered/nominated email address from [email protected].

Click on the email link to direct you to Pezesha’s portal and register and sign up as a Network merchant.

Network merchants who are at least 6 months old on Network’s platform and who actively transact on their wallet will qualify for pre-approval.

Click on the received email’s link to direct you to Pezesha’s portal and register and sign up as a Network merchant.

Fill in your personal and business details in a few easy steps. You will then be able to view your Easy Credit loan limit. Apply and have it approved within 24 hours.

A merchant will have been pre-approved by Network to qualify for the Easy Credit loan based on the amount of transactions they trade on Network.

This will be combined with their individual credit score that then determines the loan legibility.

It will be approved within 24 hours.

Funds up to 150,000KES will be deposited into your M-pesa mobile wallet whereas funds above 150,000KES will be deposited into your bank account.  

Your limits will be subject to your transactions on Network’s platform, and they also graduate based on your repayment behavior.

We consider the following:

  • Your merchant activity on your Network wallet specific to the frequency of and the volume of transactions transacted.
  • Your current CRB Credit Listing and Score: Your credit history and repayment behaviour across all loans influence your CRB score. A higher score improves your chances of qualifying for a loan limit increase.
  • Your loan repayment performance: Timely and consistent repayment of loans, including early settlements, can positively impact your eligibility for a higher loan limit.

Log in or sign up to the Pezesha platform. Click here to visit Pezesha login page

Under the section “Score “you will get to view your pre-approved limit.

It will be charged at 6.41% fees, of which 3% is the access fee and interest of 3.41% for the loan period of 30 days.

The access fee will be deducted upfront before disbursement of the loan and the balance credited to the merchant’s account, while the Interest income will be paid when repaying the loan.

Use loan calculator above to view the breakdown.

Where the loan is not paid by the 32nd day, the penalty fees of 1% per day for the next 30 days shall be applied on the outstanding principal and interest balance. To note, there is a grace period of 2 days will be applied past the due date.

This could be because of either making another loan request as the first one is still being processed. If this is the case, please wait for at least 5 minutes before making another loan request if the first one has not been processed.

It could also be that the M-PESA system is slow or is down. Once MPESA services are back up, the amount borrowed will be reflected in your account shortly.

Should this occur, please call Pezesha’s customer care number(s)+254114231675 / +254111055183.

  • Go to M-pesa > Lipa na M-pesa
  • Enter Paybill number 898927
  • Enter A/C number as your National ID number
  • Enter the loan amount
  • Enter your M-pesa pin

Yes, you can pay in instalments before the loan due date or pay the entire loan at once.

The loan repayment amount should be reflected in your Pezesha account immediately once successful.

Should this happen, please call Pezesha customer care at +254114231675 / +254111055183.

If you were charged additional fees because the repayment made did not reflect on time, you are eligible for a waiver.

Call Pezesha’s customer care line at 254114231675 / +254111055183 to initiate the waiver request. The waiver should reflect in less than 48 hours after it is requested.

Early loan repayments are highly encouraged, as this can result in you accessing a higher loan limit faster by improving your CRB score.