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African Travel Industry Gears up for Fairs and Conferences


June 23, 2015


African Travel Industry Gears up for Fairs and Conferences


June 23, 2015


The next few months will see a lot of activity in Africa’s travel industry as tour operators and travel agents gear up for a wide range of exciting events:

The 16th Annual Safaricom Marathon and Half Marathon will take place at the Lewa Wildlife Conservancy, Kenya on Saturday 27th June 2015. Organized by Tusk Trust and Lewa and supported by Safaricom, this fundraising event will host 1,200 runners from more than 20 countries. Regarded as one of the toughest marathons in the world it will take runners through the 61,000 acre wildlife conservancy and some of East Africa’s most beautiful scenery, with Mount Kenya lies to the south and views north towards Samburu and Mount Ololokwe.

The Zanzibar International Film Festival (https://www.ziff.or.tz/) will run from July 18-26. ZIFF is East Africa’s largest film, music and arts festival, bringing new talents together from all over the world. The festival features entries from 11 Countries: USA, Brazil, Senegal, Madagascar, Ghana, Cameroon, Morocco, Kenya, South Africa, Ethiopia and Tanzania

Shungu Namutitima (Smoke That Thunders) International Film Festival of Zambia will run from Wednesday August 19 to Saturday 22 2015 in KABWE and from Friday August 21 to Saturday 29 2015 in Livingston. Celebrating the 10th Anniversary, under the theme ”DARE TO DREAM, MAKE A DIFFERENCE”, the festival will accept Zambian and African films for competition.

September sees the opening of the Arusha International Cultural Diversity Festival – Jambo festival, Tanzania, (https://www.jambofestival.co.tz/) runs from September 4-6 in Arusha. Music, food and art form the core of the event which provides a platform for local and international artists to meet, exchange, exhibit and sell their work.

Bagamoyo Arts and Culture Festival (https://bagamoyofestival.weebly.com/about-the-festival.html) runs from September 21-27. Bagamoyo is Tanzania’s arts capital, home to the Bagamoyo College of Arts. The festival focuses mainly on Tanzanian and East African music, dance and theatre

The exciting Zambezi International Rowing Regatta an event that takes place in September every two or three years. Held on the rushing waters of the Zambezi River, flowing past the thunderous cataracts of Victoria Falls, at Livingstone, the event has been run since 1904. This spectacular destination has seen sculling crews from Oxford, Cambridge, Universities from the USA, as well as teams from Zimbabwe and Southern African Universities competing against each other.

The Travel Fair, Kenya (https://www.facebook.com/xplorekenya) will be held from September 19-20 at the Karen Blixen Museum in Nairobi Travel professionals and the general public will meet more than 60 of the key players in the tourism industry from East Africa: High end lodges, food & beverage suppliers, community tourism organizations as well as service providers.

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