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Check out our interview with the Direct Pay Online Facebook competition winner!

January 9, 2014

Check out our interview with the Direct Pay Online Facebook competition winner!

January 9, 2014

Terry Nganga, from Heritage Hotels, Kenya was our lucky Facebook competition winner. She took home a lovely 7inch tablet, to use for work and play. We interviewed her about her win.

Terry, Please tell us about your experience in the travel industry.

I have been working in the hotel and travel industry for 2 years now. So far so good. Being a diverse industry I have been privileged to learn the different opportunities open for me. Working with Heritage Hotels is a great opportunity as it has allowed me to grow my people skills and sharpened my sales skills. Truly an invaluable experience

Can you tell us a little bit about where you work (Heritage Hotels), and your role there?

I work in the e-commerce department. My key role is to sell holiday packages to guests. This is by responding to guest enquiries via email, phone etc. I also manage our Heritage Hotels Agents online training course.

How long have you been using Direct Pay Online? How has this benefited your business?

3: 1/2 years now. It is a very straightforward system to use. It is a user-friendly payment system, and the different options make for seamless integration with not only those who book and pay through our website but those who book offline and just want to quickly settle their payments online. Being a secure payment system has also given our guests confidence in using the system as it is a secure payment method.

What do you plan on using the tablet for?

Personal use and as a phone.

What are your big plans for 2014?

Grow my career further and going back to school.

Want to grow your business with an easy to use and secure payments system? Get in touch with the Direct Pay Online team to find out how we can help you be a winner in 2014.

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