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The Top Five Ways That Regularly Blogging Will Boost Your Business

It seems nearly everyone has a blog these days, but some businesses make the mistake of not taking regular blogging seriously enough. Regularly updated blogs allow your business to reach greater audiences in more personalized ways than ever before.

Here are some top ways that blogging can benefit your business:

 1. Better search engine positioning

When you blog, you’re boosting your search engine ranking in two ways:

  1. You’re adding new pages of content to your site (which otherwise may not be updated regularly) that will be indexed by search engines.
  2. You get the chance to incorporate keywords into your posts.

Keywords are an important part of how the search engines identify which pages will come up in the results after someone enters a search query. Many of your potential readers will come to your blog after posing a question or search phrase on a search engine, and the more blog posts you have up on your website, the more opportunities you’ll have to attract potential readers; readers can convert leads; leads can end up being paying customers.

2. Increased traffic

In addition to creating more traffic based on searches, regularly posting new content will allow you to create a readership. Focus not only on posting getting blog entries that hit on major keywords to drive the traffic, but also posts that have useful, relevant information as well.

If you can write in an entertaining and engaging manner, while at the same time imparting quality information to your reader base, you’re likely to get more subscribers. Loyal readers are more apt to share your new posts across their social media networks, amplifying your audience and potential client base.

3. Show off your knowledge

Everyone’s heard the expression “write what you know.” The advice could not ring any more true than for the business blog. Formulate a regular schedule of blog posts that allow your knowledge and expertise in your industry shine.

Travel industry blogs are especially easy to do this with, as there are so many topic areas to cover: the area, activities, advisories, historical information about the destination, and more. Loyal readers will enjoy the smart, worthwhile content, and those who’ve searched for your site will see your blog as a testament to your services and products. You’ll have effectively commanded brand authority, and potential customers are far more likely to spend their money with someone they trust than elsewhere.

4. Personalization

You can continue to build your branding by personalizing your blog. Entice readers back to your blog through social media; once you’ve got them there, let them see some of the personality behind your business. This builds a relationship with the reader, and makes them more likely to choose your business over others. This is not to say you should write posts about the BBQ you attended last weekend, however; use these posts to highlight team members, spotlight community outreach, and give a behind-the-scenes peek into your company.

5. Create dialog

At their best, blogs are almost interactive in nature. Allow readers to post comments on your blog. It may seem scary at first (set comments to moderated so nothing unsavory can go up without your go-ahead), but the comments section can provide invaluable discussion between you and the customer, as well as within the readership group.

Think of the comments section almost as a focus group; you’ll get the reader’s opinions on whatever new product, service or topic you’ve brought to them, and perhaps garner new ideas to blog about, as well, based on their questions and comments. These opinions can give you a unique perspective on your business.

While you do not necessarily need to post new content daily, updating your blog with regular content has many advantages. Start with a weekly blog and see where it can take your company. You might be surprised with the unexpected benefits.